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Could you please update the John Gilon story if your planning on doing updates?

i figured out how to start it you execute the file called nw-app once youve extracted file

how to download and play the archived zip file specifically the FNIA_ The Novel ReBuilt one

neslyším zvuk 

That's because there is no sound buddy


Fun stuff


Can you maybe make it available to android? (i would love to play this but i can't because my pc broke)

Technically yes, since it's a javascript game I could try to make an online version that can be played directly on your browser, a native android version might be possible, but I have literally no idea where to even begin.

(1 edit)

oh but take ur time, i can wait.

Notifie me please when you ever release it on android or browser i would love to play it!!!

As much as I really like this, I do wish there was a way to implement the NSFW descriptions. (images not even needed)

You could get creative too if you'd like as well by writing some of your own descriptions.

Don’t know if this is what you mean by that, but the original game had a +18 version that made the game overs more explicit (text-wise). I did manage to salvage some of these game overs, but due to that version of the game being deleted a looooooooong time ago and because I was only able to find like 2 of them. I didn’t end up implementing a way to trigger them.

About that, I have found some videos showcasing quite a number of them... Perhaps you could re-create them from this footage?

Fnia visual novel episode 1 part 2 me and baby feel uncomfortable with Xander and baby of course (

Uh I have a question, so when I download it I dont find a way to play it, only the archives on the folder, but not the executable, someone here may help?

You find NO executables? Not even NB?

(1 edit)

A few of the paths stop letting you progress after certain lines of dialogue, such as the neighbor telling me to shower and then meet her for tea and a chat. In the 83 story, it stops progressing after Terra scares Christine.

Unfortunately, that's just how they end normally, there isn't anything beyond that point. In the original game they get cut off like that, and since I wanted this version to be as accurate as possible, I just left them like that.


Why not pick up where Turner left off? You might make something good out of it.


Thank you for this internautas 



thank you for this!

what is the "payload" program? is it a virus?

Idk, it's somehting that CloudNovel threw with the rest of the files, It probably has something todo with the fact that CN is html-based.

is this project completed or not except for the game over scenes basally i want to know if all routes are done.

Yeah everything is done


are some of them supposed to say wip


k and im guessing you couldent get the wip off of some of them.



CN can't export to android.

game have erotic



nah not really most suggestive scene been cut from what I saw

the +18 version is long deleted before it could be recover I think

Yep, the +18 version was deleted sometime around 2017 I belive, I did manage to recover some of the game over scenes, but couldn't find a convinient way to implement them in the game withouth breaking the entire thing, so they're inaccessible right now.

Turner disappear entirely from internet, pretty sure same goes to anyone associate with this project